

公告主旨 【競賽通知】公告北一女中參加111年度全國英語辯論比賽校隊甄選實施辦法
發佈日期 2022 年 2 月 07 日
發佈單位 教學組
公告類別 最新消息, 防疫資訊, 學生園地
點閱次數 765










  1. 由甄選同學自行選擇正方或反方立場,撰寫1面A4長度之辯稿(含論點及證據),並於2月16日(星期三)中午12點以前以Email寄至ythuang2@gapps.fg.tp.edu.tw黃鈺婷組長收。逾期將扣40%成績。
  2. 甄選當天依公告順序上臺進行論點陳述(2分鐘),且須針對下一順位同學的論點質詢答辯(1分半鐘)。



RESOLVED: That the Taiwanese government should abolish the regulations governing preferential treatment of indigenous students on entrance exams.







In Taiwan, preferential treatment of indigenous students on entrance exams has long been an important but controversial educational policy. The regulation was adopted in order to alleviate the past unequal treatments of the indigenous people. During the fifty years of authoritarian dictatorship, the Kuomintang (KMT) inaugurated a number of political socialization programs, trying to assimilate the Taiwanese society into its Chinese origin, causing language death, loss of identity, and even a sense of shame within the indigenous community.

After transforming into a democracy in the 1990s, the Taiwanese government has been modifying its regulations governing preferential treatment of indigenous students. The latest version of the “Regulations Regarding Secured Admission for Indigenous Students and Government Scholarships for Indigenous People to Study Overseas” (原住民學生升學保障及原住民公費留學辦法) indicates that indigenous students who achieve a 60 percent pass on the Indigenous Languages Proficiency Test will be given a 35 percent bonus increase in their admission exams. Many sociologists, interest groups, educators, and students regard the regulation as a crucial way to serve social justice. However, many others hold different opinions and believe that to create true equality the government should abolish the regulation. Can the policy ameliorate the social disadvantage and further promote economic and social equality? Will the treatment enable the indigenous community to keep their cultures sustainable? What are the potential impacts on redressing racial imbalances? Do the benefits of this policy outweigh its costs, or the other way around? This debate offers an opportunity to reason through this controversial but pressing issue.

Following is a list of references meant to serve as groundwork for debaters, which means it is by no means comprehensive or flawless. Many of them also contain information or arguments that may not be directly relevant and thus warrant closer examination. Students are still encouraged to find and learn from additional materials to help in the preparation for their debate rounds.


“Regulations Regarding Secured Admission for Indigenous Students and Government Scholarships for Indigenous People to Study Overseas” (原住民學生升學保障及原住民公 費留學辦法)

Does the Affirmative Policy for Higher Education Admission Turn Indigenous Students Further Away?

What you should know about being Indigenous in Taiwan https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4017174

Policy Debates and Indigenous Education: The Trialectic of Language, Culture, and Identity https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-017-9355-1_2

Is Affirmative Action for Indigenous Taiwanese Fair? https://ketagalanmedia.com/2018/06/14/affirmative-action-indigenous-taiwanese-fair/

Resilience for Whom? A Case Study of Taiwan Indigenous People’s Struggle in the Pursuit of Social-Ecological Resilience

Aboriginal Students on Preferential Culture and Language Proficiency Examination

(This article surveys on city indigenous students’ attitude towards the Indigenous Languages Proficiency Test and the preferential treatment.)

Taiwan’s President Tsai apologizes to indigenous peoples on behalf of government https://english.president.gov.tw/NEWS/4950

A Study of Affirmative Action Policy for Aboriginal Students in Taiwan (Chinese) https://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi/login?o=dnclcdr&s=id=%22094NTPTC576041%22.&searchmode=basic

Should the indigenous students be given bonus points on entrance exams? (Chinese) https://a107010057.wixsite.com/indigenouspeopledu

                      教務處教學組   敬啟111.2.7
