

公告主旨 【新聞稿】2022年密涅瓦大學交流活動
發佈日期 2022 年 11 月 12 日
發佈單位 秘書室
公告類別 最新消息, 綠園紀事
點閱次數 1,339

【活動日期:2022年11月4日 16:30-18:00】









▲ 圖1 密涅瓦大學學生介紹學校特色

圖2 校史室導覽

圖3 全體大合照

【Topic: 2022 Exchange with Minerva University】

【Date: Nov 4th, 2022 16:30-18:30】
【Location: Classroom105, Zhongzheng Building, Taipei First Girls High School】


【News Report】

        Minerva University, ranked as the most innovative university in the world by World’s Universities with Real Impact (WURI), is an online institution with no physical campus.  In other words, with the help of an Internet connection, every corner of the world can become their classroom. Students from Minerva University travel to seven different cities throughout their college years.  This year, they are visiting Taipei from September to December, and we had the privilege of spending some time with them today.

        Due to the impact of the pandemic, student ambassadors genuinely cherished this precious opportunity to communicate and interact with foreign visitors face to face. When the guests arrived and the doors finally opened, an exhilarating atmosphere filled the whole room. The students on both sides greeted each other enthusiastically. Principal Chen Chih-Yuan and Teacher Bryant gave an opening speech and expressed their gratitude for the TFG students’ chance to hear about new learning strategies and to broaden their perspectives. Then, Minerva University students briefed us about their school. They gave an introduction to their school, courses, activities, and application procedures. In addition, they shared their stories while traveling to different countries. Their school motto school is “Nurturing Critical Wisdom for the Sake of the World,” and they emphasized their fundamental value of “challenging yourself.”



        After Minerva University students’ briefing, the student ambassadors gave them a guided tour of our school history room. Student ambassadors tried their best to share all the interesting historical details and facts in English, hoping to let our guests learn more about our school. After the guided tour, we sat down and talked about our school life, cultural differences, and learning.  All the student ambassadors learned a lot from their conversations and had a memorable afternoon.


        At the end of our exchange, we took photos together and traded our social media accounts to keep in touch. Through this opportunity, student ambassadors gained more experience by meeting people from other nations and learning from one another. It is with experiences like this that they will become more confident about the missions they’ll face in the future. Student ambassadors will keep learning and moving forward to ensure they bring their future visitors the best experience possible. 