公告主旨 | 【新聞稿】2024年美國萊斯大學國際交流活動 | ||||||||||||
發佈日期 | 2024 年 6 月 02 日 | ||||||||||||
發佈單位 | 秘書室 | ||||||||||||
公告類別 | 最新消息, 國際交流, 綠園新聞 | ||||||||||||
公告等級 | 重要 | ||||||||||||
點閱次數 | 255 | ||||||||||||
公告內容 | 【活動主題】2024萊斯大學國際交流活動 【活動日期】2024年5月22日 下午 14:00 至 17:00 【活動地點】至善二樓會議室、校史室 【活動報導】 萊斯大學(Rice University,全名William Marsh Rice University)坐落於德克薩斯州休士頓市,為美國南方最高學府。本校第十二、十三屆的綠衣使節非常榮幸能於五月22日與19位來自萊斯大學的學生進行交流,向來賓介紹北一女中的同時,也對萊斯大學、美國的文化及大學生活有更多了解。 交流活動開幕於下午兩點,在雙方師長進行致詞與交換禮物後,為了加深雙方對彼此的了解,由兩校學生分別進行簡報介紹。使節的簡報內容除了介紹臺灣著名景點、北一女中的特色社團與活動之外,更著墨於即將到來的傳統節日──端午節,介紹其歷史背景、習俗活動,希望能與遠道而來的貴賓共享節日氣氛。萊斯大學學生則是著重於介紹校內的各種組織活動以及學院制度,讓使節們大開眼界,了解外國的大學文化。 緊接著,由第十三屆綠衣使節為萊斯大學的學生們進行校園以及校史室的導覽,由第十二屆使節從旁協助。過程中,雙方熱情的進行對話,萊斯大學的學生們驚嘆於光復樓的燈光藝術與典雅外觀,使節們也熱烈的分享在光復樓中上課的經驗。在校史室中, 使節們也進一步介紹了北一女中的校史,萊斯大學的學生們也對舊照片表現出高度的興趣。 回到至善二樓會議室後,是雙方的自由交流時間。綠衣使節特別準備了具有節慶氣氛的粽子,與萊斯大學的學生們一起品嘗分享。學生們以組為單位,進行著不同的活動,諸如日常用語介紹、在學經驗交流及團康遊戲等等,氣氛非常熱烈,學生們也互相贈送雙方的特色零食,交流活動在美食與熱情中畫下句點。 此次活動是第十三屆綠衣使節在國際交流中的初亮相,藉由此次活動,她們學習到諸多接待事宜,這次經驗將會成為她們日後獨當一面時的重要養分,同時也實踐綠衣使節的傳承精神。 在這次的交流活動中,兩屆綠衣使節與萊斯大學的學生們皆透過與異國學生們對話拓展國際視野,獲益良多。希望未來本校能與萊斯大學維持緊密的交流,期待更多互相參訪的機會。
【Topic: Exchange program with William Marsh Rice University】 【Date: May 22nd, 2024】 【Location: Taipei First Girls High School】 【News Report】 William Marsh Rice University is in Houston, Texas, also known as Rice University, is the best university in American South. The 12th and 13th TFG student ambassadors were honored to engage in an exchange with 19 students from Rice University on May 22nd. The exchange program commenced at 2:00 p.m. After teachers of both schools gave speeches and exchanged gifts , students also presented brief introduction of their school to deeper understanding . TFG student ambassadors not only introduced Taiwan’s famous tourist attractions and our unique club activities highlighted the upcoming traditional festival – Dragon Boat Festival. We introduced the historical background and customs, hoping to share the festive atmosphere with the guests. Rice University students focused on introducing various organizations and the college system within their campus, broadening the ambassadors’ understanding of foreign university culture. Then, the 13th student ambassadors, assisted by the 13th student ambassadors, conducted campus and history room tours for the students from Rice University. Students chatted enthusiastically, with Rice University students marveling at the lighting art and elegant appearance of Kuangfu Building and student ambassadors sharing their experiences of studying there . In the school history room, student ambassadors further introduced the school’s history, sparking high interest among Rice University students in old photographs. Back to the meeting room of Zhishan Building, it was free exchange time. Student ambassadors prepared festive food Zongzi to share with the Rice University students. Students were engaged into groups, exchanged everyday language, experiences in studying, snacks , and played group games lively. The event was concluded with food and warm. This is also the first event that the13th student ambassadors attend. Through this activity, they learnt many aspects of hosting an event, which will be valuable for them in the future and embodies the spirit of TFG student ambassadors. Through the exchange program , both student ambassadors and students of Rice University had broaden their horizon through exchanging with foreign students We hope that our school can maintain close exchanges with Rice University in the future and look forward to more opportunities for mutual visits.
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