公告主旨 | 【新聞稿】越南丁善理紀念中學國際交流活動 |
發佈日期 | 2024 年 7 月 20 日 |
發佈單位 | 秘書室 |
公告類別 | 最新消息, 國際交流, 綠園新聞 |
公告等級 | 重要 |
點閱次數 | 542 |
公告內容 | 【活動主題】越南丁善理紀念中學交流活動 【活動日期】2024年7月13日(六)下午12點30分至下午17點15分 【活動地點】北一女中光復樓第一會議室、校園、校史室、臺北市舊城區 【活動報導】 越南丁善理紀念中學創校於2008年,與北一女中有著深厚的淵源,不僅創辦人曾是本校校長,現任校長也曾於本校任教,本次交流更是丁善理紀念中學同學們睽違11年再度蒞臨北一女中,次重聚不僅加深兩校友誼,也為未來合作奠定堅實的基礎。 7/13中午,綠衣使節們前往國軍英雄館迎接丁善理紀念中學的同學們,在雙方熱情的寒暄下,開始了臺北市舊城區的導覽。丁善理紀念中學的師生們在本校綠衣使節的帶領下,走訪228公園、北門等北一女中周遭景點,認識臺北城的歷史,即使當天烈日當空,雙方熱忱仍不減,在歡笑聲中回到了北一女中。 接著由北一女中綠衣使節介紹臺灣以及北一女的歷史,精美的簡報與詳細流暢的解說中穿插著問答,展現北一女學生的從容與專業。再來由丁善理紀念中學的同學向北一女中同學們介紹學校的特色與校園生活。會後兩校學生在富含歷史的光復樓長廊上餐敘,享用茶點的同時,互相交換聯絡方式、分享文化差異及趣事。 輕鬆地聊天後,綠衣使節們帶著丁善理紀念中學的同學們進行校園導覽,在使節們仔細的解說下,丁善理中學的同學們讚嘆連連,也對北一女中校園及歷史有進一步的了解。走訪校園途中,兩校同學們也在各角落留下了珍貴的合照。隨著活動進入尾聲,使節們和丁善理紀念中學師生們在光復樓車寄及總統府前拍大合照以紀念本次的交流,活動在雙方不捨的道別中畫下了句點。
【Topic】Lawrence S. Ting School Exchange Program 【Date】July 13th, 2024 12:30 p.m. ~ 17:15 p.m. 【Location】TFG Campus, First Conference Room, School History Room, Taipei Old Town 【News report】 Lawrence S. Ting School in Vietnam, established in 2008, shares a deep connection with Taipei First Girls High School. Its founder was a former principal of our school, and the current principal also once taught here. This visit marks the return of students from Lawrence S. Ting School to Taipei First Girls High School after 11 years. On the afternoon of July 13, the student ambassadors went to Taipei Hero House to welcome the students from Lawrence S. Ting School. They greeted the visitors warmly and began a tour of Taipei Old Town. The tour, led by our school’s ambassadors, took them to landmarks such as 228 Peace Memorial Park and the North Gate, where they learned about Taipei’s history. Despite the blazing sun, the students remained enthusiastic and returned to Taipei First Girls High School with smiles and laughter. First, the principals of both schools delivered speeches. The principal of Taipei First Girls High School and the principal of Lawrence S. Ting School each noted that, despite the years since their last student exchange, they had kept in touch and hoped to strengthen their friendship through this visit. Following the speeches, the schools exchanged gifts: Taipei First Girls High School gave an HBL jacket and a shirt, while Lawrence S. Ting School presented Vietnamese cashews. Next, the student ambassadors gave fluent presentations about Taiwan and Taipei First Girls High School, showcasing their professionalism with engaging Q&A sessions. Following this, students from Lawrence S. Ting School presented the features of their school and shared insights into their school life. Later, the students from both schools enjoyed snacks in the corridor of the Guang-Fu Building. They had a great time exchanging social media contacts and sharing cultural experiences from their respective countries. After chatting with each other, the ambassadors guided the students from Lawrence S. Ting School on a tour of the campus and the school history room. With detailed explanations from the ambassadors, the Lawrence S. Ting students not only expressed their appreciation but also gained a deeper understanding of Taipei First Girls High School’s campus and history. During the tour, students from both schools took the opportunity to capture precious group photos at various spots around the school. Lastly, it was time for a group photo to mark the end of the program. The farewell took place in front of the carriage porch at the Guang-Fu Building and the Presidential Office Building, where the ambassadors and students from Lawrence S. Ting School said their goodbyes with a touch of reluctance. The students had shown great passion and enthusiasm throughout the program, and everyone looked forward to strengthening their bonds and creating unforgettable memories through future interactions.
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