

公告主旨 【新聞稿】美國北加州庫柏蒂諾魏虹市長蒞臨北一女
發佈日期 2023 年 5 月 05 日
發佈單位 秘書室
公告類別 最新消息, 國際交流, 綠園紀事
點閱次數 930


地址:臺北市重慶南路一段 165 號

新聞聯絡人:吳銘祥秘書    聯絡電話:02-2382-0484#201

【發稿日期】112 年 5 月 1日

【活動日期】112 年4 月 24日 上午九時至十一時

【主        題】美國北加州庫柏蒂諾市長蒞臨北一女中







▲ 圖一 於光復樓合影 ▲ 圖二 與高一學生短暫交流後合影
▲ 圖三 前往校史室的路上 ▲ 圖四 綠衣使節導覽校史室
▲ 圖五 在榜首牆上發現同窗好友 ▲ 圖六 參觀機器人研究社
▲ 圖七 與樂儀隊同學合照 ▲ 圖八 學姊與校長互贈禮


【Topic: The Mayor of Cupertino Paid A Visit to TFG】

【Date: 9:00-11:00, April 24th, 2023】                                   

【Location: The Principal Office, School History Room, Physics Lab in TFG】

【News Report】

        On April 24, 2023, the Mayor of Cupertino, Mayor Hung Wei, and her old classmate Chiou Chun Mei visited their alma mater, TFG. Cupertino is a city in Northern California, United States, known for being one of the centers of Silicon Valley and the location of Apple headquarters. HungWei was elected to Cupertino City in 2020 and has become the mayor of Cupertino since last year. This year, she returned to her hometown, Taiwan, and visited Hsinchu City, OCAC, and many stopovers. Furthermore, she visited TFG as an alumna before the day she went back to the US. Led by the student ambassadors, Mayor Hung Wei thoroughly relived her school time on campus.

        The alumna enthusiastically greeted the student ambassadors, the secretary, and the principal as they entered the gate, not bothered by the rain. Starting from the newly renovated Guang Fu building, the brand new and futuristic classroom impressed them. They also interacted with the freshman and took photos together. 

        Later on, the student ambassador gave a tour guide to the school history room. Memories of old days on campus overflew: the military uniform, principal Chen Zhi Yuan, and outdoor swimming pool. Furthermore, they even found their classmates in the photos! They took pictures to record this special ‘encounter’. This tour of the throwback of the school’s old days not only refreshed the alumni’s memory of their high school life but the student ambassadors’ understanding of the school’s history was expanded.

        After the tour guide, the secretary led the student ambassadors and the guest visited the Physics laboratory, which was the spot of the Robot Study Club. Mayor Hung Wei showed her enthusiasm for technological education and International competition and had a pleasant conversation with the club’s mentor. They didn’t forget to take a photo with the entries. 

        On the route back to the principal office, they also met members of the Honor Guard, marching band, and Color Guard. Recalling the memories of participating in the Honor Guard, Mayor Hung Wei encouraged the students and even performed an exhibition drill with an umbrella! The visit ended with commemorative gifts exchanging and group photos.

        The small-scale meeting-up was beyond uniqueness. The student ambassadors gained a lot from the conversation with the two alumni. The tales they told let the ambassadors take a glimpse of school in the old days. The student ambassadors delivered our wishes and the experience would engrave in both the students and the guests.
