

公告主旨 【新聞稿】2023年大阪府立北野高等學校交流活動
發佈日期 2023 年 8 月 04 日
發佈單位 秘書室
公告類別 最新消息, 國際交流, 綠園新聞
公告等級 重要
點閱次數 2,056









▲ 圖1  綠衣使節接待北野高校師生

▲ 圖2  北一女中與北野高校兩校學生

▲ 圖3  北一女中陳智源校長致詞

▲ 圖4  北野高校山本美里老師致詞


▲ 圖5  兩校相互贈禮

▲ 圖6  北野高校學生展示學校跳繩特色

▲ 圖7  校園導覽與校史室導覽

▲ 圖8  校史室巡禮

▲ 圖 9  國立臺灣博物館導覽

▲ 圖10  臺博館巡禮

▲ 圖11  大合照

【Topic:2023 Exchange between TFG student ambassador and Osaka prefectural Kitano High  School】

【Date:July 26th, 2023 9:00 a.m.~12:30 p.m.】

【Location:Taipei First Girls High School, National Taiwan Museum】

【News report】

The exchange between Taipei First Girls High School and Osaka prefectural Kitano  High School took place on July 26th. Although the weather was affected by the coming  typhoon, it wouldn’t affect the mood of the ambassadors. With great excitement and  carefulness, the ambassadors had gotten ready for their first reception.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s been 5 years since the students of Kitano High  School visited TFG, therefore, the ambassadors cherished the opportunity to interact with the  foreign visitors. In the beginning ceremony, Yamamoto Misato, the teacher of the Kitano High  School greeted the ambassadors in Chinese. The sincerity of the guests truly moved the  ambassadors. The principle also encouraged them to seize the precious chance and learn from  each other.

The TFG student ambassadors first introduced Taiwan, TFG, and themselves in a  presentation. They mentioned plenty of iconic food and tourist attractions in Taiwan, as well  as some fun facts and activities of TFG, hoping to leave a friendly and professional  impression. The Kitano High School also shared some of their special school events and the  appealing tourist attractions in Osaka. Moreover, students of Kitano High School also showed  the unique type of jump ropes in their school. Some of the ambassadors and the principal had  a great time experiencing the rare tradition. The ambassadors got acquainted with their culture  and were astonished by the various customs in different countries.

Afterwards, the ambassadors toured Kitano High School around our campus and  history room, explaining the lifestyle, historical events and architecture in TFG. Fortunately, it  wasn’t raining heavily, so the ambassadors could introduce the beauty and history of the  architecture to the guests. The guests from Kitano High School paid high attention to the tour,  and the ambassadors spared no effort to share all the details and interesting things of TFG to  the guests.

Next, the ambassadors exchanged gifts and had further conversations with the students  from Kitano High School, discussing experiences, fun facts, and cultural differences. They  also traded their social media accounts to keep in touch. Under heated discussions and  cheerful laughter, the communication time came to an end. After taking group photos, the  ambassadors and the guests head to their next destination–National Taiwan Museum.

The guide introduced them to the history of the museum, the discovery process and  discoverers of Taiwanese plants and animals, and the culture of the aborigines. They were  amazed by the magnificent building and abandoned assets in this beautiful island, and  gratitude for the predecessors’ effort in gaining the information we learned today. The tour  drew a perfect end for the exchange. The ambassadors and guests from Kitano High School  said farewell reluctantly and looked forward to seeing each other in the future.


【活動日期:2023年7月26日 9:00~12:30】






