

公告主旨 【國際交流】2022 年日本沖繩高校生藝術文化交流
發佈日期 2022 年 2 月 07 日
發佈單位 秘書室
公告類別 最新消息, 國際交流, 綠園新聞
點閱次數 1,154

【活動主題:2022 年日本沖繩高校生藝術文化交流】




一月二十日,天氣晴。結束了上午的結業式,本校綠衣使節偕同幾位具有書法專長的同學在國文專科教室集合,著手進行沖繩書道交流的事前籌備。這堂課我們特別請到北一女中退休教師 黃肇基老師,來教授大家幾項撰寫書法與春聯寫作的要訣。 黃肇基老師在本校任職時便以書法專項著稱,研究書法已有數十年的時間。除了精通各式字樣,也擅長用墨筆作畫,因此時常被聘請至現場揮毫。課堂上,老師以長短大小不一的春聯為基底,一一為我們展示篆書、楷書、隸書、行書等寫法,時而以濃淡適宜的書法繪畫調和遒勁筆鋒,短短幾分鐘內,整間教室便洋溢著年節的喜慶氣息。 在每節課程結束後,亦有數十分鐘的時間供學生自行練習。大家屏氣凝神,專心運筆,盡可能把老師傳授的技巧運用在創作上。最後,所有人拿著苦思凝鍊的作品一同合影,為此次籌備會留下美好的紀念。 待1/20的準備工作告一段落,後續則由日文組的黃欣家同學接手,將隨堂拍攝的春聯書寫教學影片與活動花絮剪輯成20分鐘的課程短片並寄給沖繩交流團,讓沖繩學生能於交流前先行了解書寫春聯的技巧與其文化意涵。 一月二十八日一早,交流活動由陳智源校長及沖繩交流團團長的致詞揭開序幕。沖繩高校生藝術文化交流活動截至今年已有近十年歷史,然受疫情影響,無法如往年以實體方式進行,因此北一女中與沖繩交流團皆十分盼望疫情過去的一日,雙方得以恢復面對面的交流。 緊接著便是北一女中和沖繩交流團的各自的文化介紹,由雙方的學生以投影片方式解說,帶領大家認識臺灣及沖繩當地的著名地標、美食與學校特色等。北一女中的學生也特別分享了春聯文化,以口頭說明搭配影片放映,讓沖繩交流團學生充分了解不同書法字體,與春聯特有的書寫方式。 進入分組交流階段,每個組別在ZOOM的分組討論室互相自我介紹,聊起自己的興趣、校園生活等,雖然隔著螢幕,活絡的氣氛依然不減。大家也紛紛在鏡頭前揮毫創作春聯,大展身手。 交流的最後,主持人邀請三位同學展示自己的作品,並分享創作理念,以春聯作為給大家的新年祝福,這場書法藝術饗宴也畫下句點,北一女和沖繩交流團的學生都感到收穫滿滿,非常期待未來能有機會進行實體交流。


2022 年日本沖繩高校生藝術文化交流-春聯創作合影

2022 年日本沖繩高校生藝術文化交流-線上交流作品展示合影

【Topic: 2022 Okinawa Highschool Art Intercultural Exchange】

【Date: January 28th , 2022】                                   

【Location: ZOOM Cloud Meetings, Chinese Specialty Classroom 407, Zhishan Building, Taipei First Girls High School】

【News Report】

After the annual commencement, the school ambassadors and a few schoolmates who are talented in calligraphy gathered in Chinese Specialty Classroom 407 in order to start a preparatory meeting before the Okinawa Highschool Art Intercultural Exchange Program. Huang Zhaoji, a retired teacher from TFG, was specially invited to teach us some key points of writing calligraphy. Mr. Huang has been famous for his calligraphy since the time he taught in TFG.  Since he has delved into calligraphy many years, he can write different fonts on any kind of spring couplets in an instance. Moreover, Mr. Huang also taught us how to draw fascinating pictures of plants by using only the brushes and the ink. Everyone listened carefully and concentrated on writing calligraphy during the break time between each class. Last but not least, we took pictures to sum up the event. Hopefully we will be 100% ready for the formal Okinawa High School Art Intercultural Exchange Program a week after. Photos taken in the class on January 20th were made into a video by Kinka from the Japanese Group of the Student Ambassadors. Students from Okinawa were able to learn about the spring couplet culture from the video before the exchange on January 28th. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the annual Okinawa High School Art Intercultural Exchange Program was restricted online this year. On January 28th, students from Taipei First Girls High School and students from Okinawa shared their abilities of calligraphy art at ZOOM Cloud Meetings. The exchange program began with warm opening speeches by the principal of TFG and the representative of Okinawa, both of whom mentioned their hope for in-person exchange after the pandemic ends. Later on students from TFG and students from Okinawa took turns to introduce culture in Taiwan and Okinawa. Students from TFG also made a brief introduction of spring couplets to explain how they are made and the blessing meanings of them. As the students were divided into groups and entered the breakout rooms, they started chatting about their hobbies and school lives. They also made spring couplets in front of their cameras together. Regardless of the various limits of online meetings, the students had a whale of a time. When it came to the last part of the program, the host invited three students to share the spring couplets they made and expound on their thoughts about their works. Everyone online was amazed by their creativity. Along with blessings given by teachers from both sides, the fruitful exchange program ended. All the participants were grateful for the wonderful experience and looked forward to more exchange opportunities in the future.


